One of the biggest hurdles happens to be the astronomical cost of website design. Website development takes a lot of time and effort in order to get everything up and running, and all of this is not going to be cheap. In fact, a lot of times, web development costs can exceed the cost of the domain and hosting expenses combined.
As depressing as it might be, things aren’t all doom and gloom. There is no need to shell out a fortune if you aren’t in a position to do so. It is because there are today plenty of websites where you can get free themes to build your own site around.
For those who don’t know what a theme is, a theme is nothing more than a web template that you can use to create a custom website. They are popular because they can be immediately put to use, even if one has little to no knowledge of web design whatsoever.
Given in the list below are some of the sites where you can get amazing website themes for free:
Wordpress is the company which provides the most popular content management system (called ‘WordPress’). It is also a great site where you can find excellent themes for free.
Themegrade is an excellent site that specializes in Wordpress themes.
It offers both free as well as paid themes in its portfolio.
Astemplate is an excellent site for downloading themes based on Joomla, excellent content management system, just like Wordpress.
Joomlashine is another excellent site where you can download excellent Joomla templates for free.
Devsaran is an excellent site for downloading free themes based on the Drupal content management system.
Another excellent website for downloading Drupal based themes is Zymphones, which offers both free and paid themes.
Start Bootstrap offers free Bootstrap themes and template. The themes are built with HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 4. The entire collections are open source and can be used for any purpose — personally and commercially.
ThemeWagon offers a variety of free and premium responsive Bootstrap HTML templates and WordPress themes.
HTML5 Up offers free and responsive HTML templates. The templates are free under The Creative Common and easy to customize.
Jekyll Themes has a variety collection of Jekyll themes. The themes are free to use, and you can host the theme on Github pages for free.
Hexo is one of the static generators you can use to create your static website. The website has all the documentations you ever need to use the static generator. You can also download and use free Hexo themes from the website.
Hugo is another static generators that you can use to make your static website. It is free to use. It has many collections of Hugo themes that you can download and use for free.
The above mentioned list of sites is a small glimpse of the many amazing sites that offer free website themes.