If you are interested in the world of entrepreneurship in any way, one of the things that would have crossed your mind at one time or another would be the logo.
Designing a logo is a major undertaking unto itself, because it will be the very first thing that a customer will come into contact with before anything else.
Therefore, it is important that the logos are designed with a couple of things in mind. They are as follows.
1.) Completely unique from all other players
This is the most important thing that must be considered for all logos. It must be remembered that the reason for having a logo is to create a unique identity from all the other players in the economy. Copying logos is going to completely defeat the purpose of having a logo to begin with. In addition to this, there is a potential for lawsuits, over the issue of copyright or trademark infringement.
2.) Eye-catching design and graphics
The next thing that must be taken into account for logos is eye-catching design and graphics. The logos that are considered for use must be attractive, for it is usually the way consumers get to know the product. If the logo were to be dull and boring, it is very likely that buyers will ignore your brand and go for that of a rival.
3.) Easy to remember
The logos must be easy to remember, which demands simplicity. Logos must be designed in this manner so that one’s product or service has the highest chances of brand recognition.
It has been shown that the average consumer has but a few seconds to accept or reject a brand. In a crowded marketplace with dozens or even hundreds of competitors, one must ensure that the few seconds’ worth of attention span by the consumer isn’t wasted on complex designs.
4.) Suitable color scheme
Not all colors are ideal for logos. In fact, a lot of them can absolutely repel consumers to the point where they’ll prefer to walk away from the brand as fast as they can. Likewise, there are a few color schemes that attract people like no other. They are in fact used by some of the most well known brands. A good example of this is the combination of red and blue, which can be seen in brands such as Pepsi, Dominos, Chevron, Bank of America, etc.
5.) Relevant to your product or service
A logo has to be relevant to the product or service. In other words, it has to represent what you are selling. The lack of relevance can easily turn off a customer. For example, there is no point in having a logo for vegetables or fruits if you plan on selling electronics. However, you could get creative with the products and break free of this limitation, as has been the case with ‘Apple’, a technology business whose logo is that of a fruit.
6.) Language-independent designs are a plus
If you are planning to take your business global, it is best that you make the logo language-independent, instead relying entirely on designs. This will be useful in connecting with a much larger consumer base and remain relevant at the same time.
7.) The design costs are affordable
Design cost is something that is fairly easy to understand. While it is necessary for businesses to hire a good logo designer, it is also important that the costs stay at or under budget.
8.) The logo designer or designing company has experience
You can find a lot of designers with the help of some basic digging online or for that matter anywhere else. At the same time however, it is important that the people or businesses who get hired know what they are doing. It is always best to hire someone who has experience. You can however hire someone without any experience, if they show any sort of evidence that they can deliver competency and quality.
9.) Get your legal team up and running
A logo is nothing without the legal framework to back you up. Once the design has been finalized, it has to be registered so as to prevent others from copying the same. This will have to be done using the help of intellectual property lawyers or law firms.
10.) Have faith and be patient
The last one is more about the way one approaches logos and business as a whole. Instant gratification can creep into the world of business too, which in this case would be the expectation that one’s logo will immediately become widely recognized. While it is certainly possible, one has to have a little bit of faith and patience during the final stages of the logo’s implementation. There are certainly a lot more things that can be considered for designing a logo.
The above list of points is just some of the most important things to be considered before starting out on a logo designing adventure.