The yearning to be a part of the internet is massive. Ever since the rise of the internet, there has been a constant and steady surge of people wanting to become part of this global trend.
Given that this is the case, it is no surprise that there has been a massive increase in the number of web domains and a similar increase in the number of web development services in the market. In fact, there are now millions of websites online, with millions more expected to be operational soon.
It is surprising however, that despite such a high level of growth, the cost of web development hasn’t come down. On the contrary, there has even been an increase across the market at times. This is something which anyone can know, by simply checking with web development companies or even freelancers, as to how much a single order will cost.
There are a lot of reasons for this increase. Ten of the most important reasons are given below.
1.) Web development is a lengthy process
The most important reason why web development is expensive is because the process tends to be very lengthy. Most of us see web development as being nothing more than creating a website. However, there is a great deal of backend stuff that has to be taken care of, from the initial draft to the final code. All of this can take anywhere between a few days to an entire month, depending on the complexity of the project.
2.) Experience commends higher prices
It is not always that web development costs are expensive. On the contrary, you can find cheap web development services by doing a little bit of digging on the internet. This is especially true if you are willing to outsource your project to a foreign country where labor costs are cheaper.
At the same time however, you should take into account the long-term requirements and not just the wallet factor. Are you willing to pay less for a website and then deal with the consequences of a buggy coding, little to no support services? The reality is that much of the ‘expensive’ services that you seek cost the amount it does because of the experience factor. Only when people or companies have a high level of experience in their craft do they charge a premium for their skills.
3.) There is often a requirement for market research
Designing a website is not always purely a ‘designing’ job. On the contrary, there will be a lot of market research and other related studies required, especially if the website is targeting a niche and specialized in some way. Research needs will often lead to higher costs; due to the amount of time that must be devoted to the task, either by himself or a third party contractor.
4.) After-care costs are also considered in the final bill
A website is not some kind of an open-and-shut case, like most people think.
To put it differently, it is not like one can simply have a website created and be done with. There will be a necessity for fixing glitches and bugs, periodic updates, etc. These things are vital for any website and aren’t cheap. They are liabilities for service providers, who usually charge you upfront as opposed to billing you later on.
5.) There are several legal issues involved
Designing a website isn’t just a matter of a few lines of code. There are several expenses involving the law, such as the registration of copyrights or trademarks, filing of relevant paperwork, lawyer fees, etc. All these expenses will usually end up being added to the total bill.
6.) Accelerated deliveries can often raise the final price
If you are using the services of an experienced web developer, the cost for the same will usually be more to begin with. At the same time however, there will also be a demand for their services, given that they are experienced in the field. This will often lead to long waits for deliveries. Should that be the case, the developers can charge a little extra to accelerate the deliveries by giving priority to your project first.
7.) Tax burdens are often passed on to the customer
All businesses are required to pay taxes for their goods or services, which is eventually passed on to the end user. These include sales taxes, VAT taxes, GST taxes, etc.
8.) Hosting and other hardware costs are often a separate expense
Some of the web developers will take on the responsibility of domain registration and hosting for their clients. Doing this isn’t going to be cheap in any way. The global domain registration authority, ICANN charges thousands of dollars for registrars. Likewise, hosting companies have to bear the expenses of paying for the servers, electricity, cooling, staff, etc. All of these expenses have to be paid for by the web developer if they are to handle the domain and hosting issues. They will more often than not pass on the costs incurred to their clientele.
9.) The development stage often has design revisions
It isn’t always a guarantee that the proposed design is going to be final. In the case of customized designs, it isn’t uncommon for clients to request a revision of the design. Doing so will require a great deal of time, depending on the complexity and degree of changes that are to be made. This is often taken into consideration before giving a final quote to the clients.
10.) Cost of living has been rising
The last one has nothing to do with the industry but rather the economy that it operates in. Inflation results in a steady rise of prices all across the economy. This makes it necessary to charge the end user for all goods and services, in order to cover one’s living expenses; it should be remembered that everyone works for money at the end of the day.
In all, there are certainly many more reasons why internet development costs are generally expensive.
The above mentioned points are but some of the most important reasons why this is the case, rather than being the only reason.